Negentex Systems Medicine

Raising $500k to restores the physician-patient relationship and focus on individualized health. We focus on systems medicine and emerging technology to improve patient care

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NPC’s unique solution will improve the lives of patients by reversing chronic disease, improving human health and maintaining functional independence throughout the patient’s lifespan.  This will reduce overall healthcare costs and, in turn, generate significant return to NPC’s investors.  

The NPC model is designed to be capital efficient and highly scalable.  It is based on 25 years of real-life experience and vision of its founder, Dr. William Queale.  NPC will be guided by established executives as well as scientific and industry advisory board and its Board of Directors (See Appendix).  Keys to NPC’s success include:

ØBased on the science of systems medicine - the science of complex systems applied to clinical medicine
ØIntegrates conventional medicine, behavioral health, and advanced technology into patient care
ØAll staff members cross-trained as health coaches to positively impact patient care
ØUtilizes a proprietary practitioner dashboard that incorporates multiple data sources and artificial intelligence algorithms 
ØReduces practitioners’ patient panels and increases time with patients
Provides extensive support to both practice managers and practitioners

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