"Familheey" is a virtual platform enabling members to discover and connect with families in order to fulfill and support each other's needs, wants, and goals.
Key Highlights
1. COVID-19 forcing communities to connect & fulfill needs and catalyzing on-boarding of families and members into Familheey platform
2. Leadership network of 80 plus years with deep ethnic community connection is accelerating growth of Familheey
3. Ability to organize a family structure via Globe-Nation-State-County-Person brings integration and visibility at a rapid pace
4. The subscription model of premium features for Organizations and Members allows monetization as well as growth via Freemium Basic features
5. Leveraging the power of AI for resourcing the needs and its fulfillment
Over 3.9 billion users are actively accessing the internet via smartphones. They use varied social media platforms to fulfill their wants, needs, and goals. The rising incidence of depression, anxiety, stress and suicidal rates from the social media platforms reveal a lack of fulfillment and a major public health concern.
A virtual platform "Intranet for your Family" following the principles of Connect, Engage-Learn-Empower, and Growth. Organized communication and a personalized journey map aids in tracking growth. Leverage artificial intelligence to map the wants, needs & goals to families, members, events, activities, and content across the ecosystem. MOM net to prevent predatory behaviors & enable safe surfing.
The Market:
Out of 3.69 Billion users in social media, approximately 88% of users are less than 35 years old actively seeking growth opportunities.
As the biggest user cohort, Familheey's target is to onboard them and provide a journey map revealing growth opportunities based on their wants, needs, and goals.
Our Progress:
● Our platform was launched in February 2020. Soon after the pre-launch on Feb 22nd, there were about 1000 plus users and 100 plus families. In the light of COVID-19 pandemic, global community organizations have launched virtual movements in Familheey to connect people at the grass-root level.
● The ability of Familheey to link via Global - National - State - County - People have enabled these ethnic organizations to connect real-time in gathering the needs, providing resources and disseminating facts.
● This momentum has forced us to accelerate the scaling of the platform and seek all possible means to secure funding to support people during this disaster.
● The vision of this product is to gather the member's wants, needs, & goals and to provide resources by which the objectives of each member can be fulfilled.
● The MVP with the features of onboarding members, create families, and organized communication aligns with the market demand towards meaningful social interactions.
● The testament of global ethnic community organizations of Indian and African descent building their virtual families and connecting with their people to gather needs, provide resources and share accurate facts speaks loudly about the product-market fit.
● The product backlog aims to pair artificial intelligence in validating wants, needs, & goals and then matching with resources and growth opportunities.
The Deal
● Convertible Note
● Interest: 5%
● Discount: 20%
● Cap: $8M
● Since timing is of the essence we are open for other options as well. Our presentations with several community groups were received with excitement and so we are convinced with the product vision and its market fit.
The Team
● The co-founders bring 80 plus years of solid experience leading many community organizations. They have built infrastructure, hospitals, shelters, and uplifted over 150 citizens across the globe.
● While Mr. and Mrs. Chinweze have been working with many African Community Organizations for over twenty plus years Mr. Nair has been instrumental in uplifting Nair communities across the world.
● Mr. Robertson with his pioneering technology strategy brings a solid track record in building and delivering products. His ingenious inventions for the secured intelligent platform and MOM network has gained traction with many corporates in managing their social circles. Decades of the relationship between founders will provide a solid platform for growth
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