Mutatio Electric Products Inc. d.b.a. Mutatio Auto

Import and sell electric vehicles, sell quick chargers and convert fossil burners to electric.

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Mutatio Electric Products Inc.
d.b.a. Mutatio Auto tm


"It Means Change!"tm

Import and sell electric vehicles, expand to convert gas burners to electric, sell and install quick chargers to hotels etc., and develop new technologies to improve efficiency of electric vehicles.

What is done already:

1. Model chosen for testing and supplier lined up.
2. Corporation setup completed.
3. Around $15,000 of my own money put into this venture already, along with some debt.
4. "Test Vehicle" exemption approved by EPA.
5. "Test Vehicle" exemption paperwork submitted to DOT/NHTSA.
6. Import Broker contacted and arranged for import of "test vehicle" (Required for import).
7. Started process to become a registered importer.
8. $4,000 deposit paid to supplier.
9. Have submitted many forms and paperwork to prepare for import.
10. Spoken with a company to help with vehicle certification for the American market. 

What I will need (Please see Expenses for more Detail):

1. (Complete)Start paperwork for business.
2. NHTSA, determine if engineering specs will suffice or if crash tests are required.
3. (Completed)Choose a Model of Vehicle
4. Ship “test vehicle” model to the United States to inspect, test, and determine exactly
what works here and what doesn't. Also, perhaps take it around and start some pre-sales
at independent dealerships. Take photos and videos for online setup. (Royal Blue)
5. Start making deliveries and expanding sales force.
6. Hire someone to run the business.
7. Start Business Diversification. (Fossil Fuel vehicle conversions, re-invest in business for
advancements in technology, start building dealerships/repair facilities)
8. Find Next Model.(SUV) start process all over again.
9. Look at possible assembly here in the states and just import parts or find companies here
to make the parts.
10. Once we hit a certain number of units sold, go public.

 What: This business is designed to import and sell Electric Cars to lower income individuals.
Target: Low income individuals that cannot afford a $30k electric car.
Competitors: Kandi electric vehicles (currently they are pushing 2 models, but they are small vehicles)
Competitors advertising: Currently, they have a website and some online ads. 

Life Experience:

Life Experience for Richard McDaniel

My current profession: Design (Architectural, Web, Graphic, and 3D)

Objective: To attain a better standard of living, help get people off of the “crack” that is fossil fuels,
and help people spend less overall with an Electric Vehicle.

My Experience: My Father sold vehicles for a long time and he was very good at it. He was number
1 in Missouri for Ford on several occasions. I would watch him on Saturdays and I learned a great deal
from him about selling cars. I have become quite good at selling things myself and look forward to
selling at least 1 million of these vehicles and building a brand that is known for good prices, good
quality, and EXCELLENT Customer Service, as this is of primary concern in the automotive industry. I started working for whatever dealerships my Father
worked at doing odd jobs, running errands, and learning everything I could about the vehicles being
sold. I joined the U.S. Army in March 1995 and in that service I learned Will-power, Focus, and
Motivation to be applied to life. Recently, I have found a new motivation and zeal to accomplish something
great and fight the climate crisis we currently find ourselves in.

3DDesignPrint - 2017 to Present
*Running this business since 2017
*Design Homes, building, and convert to 3D objects

Schreiter Concrete – 2015 to 2016
• Delivered Concrete

Ace Tire and Auto – 2011 to 2015
*Perform maintenance and repair on all types of vehicles.
*Missouri State Safety and Emissions Inspector

Mobil 1 Lube Express – 2008 to 2011
*Customer Service Representative
*Maintained a $70 Ticket Average the entire time.
*Achieved $103 Daily Ticket Average twice, while helping my customers to avoid serious repairs.
*General Maintenance.
*Missouri State Vehicle Safety and Emissions Inspector
*Built a Customer Base that frequently returned for my non-pressuring, helpful sales style.

CarX Automotive – 2007 to 2008
*Auto Repair Technician
*Missouri State Safety and Emissions Inspector

Harris Automotive – 2006 to 2007
*General Maintenance Technician

Jiffy Lube – 2005 to 2006
*Customer Service Adviser
*Maintained Exceptional sales and customer retention.

Marshall Ford – Porter, light maintenance

U.S. Army – 1995 to 2001
*Combat Engineer
Fort Stewart, GA
Camp Castle, Korea

I, very much, appreciate your time and your consideration, thank you and have a wonderful day.

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