Mumpa Books LLC

Raising 50K-200K short term until our company receives long term funding from the monetization of a US bond..

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Hello, Lender Member of Ask for Funding, Inc.:
We seek short-term funding of $50,000 - $200,000.

My partner, Francois Pasquini (Frank), and I hold a documented US government note with a face value of $500,000,000 which we are in the process of selling or trading in 2024.

In the interim, we are looking for up to $200,000 operational funds. For every $50,000 loaned to us, we are willing to pay back $500,000 up to $2,000,000 for a $200,000 loan.

We are in active negotiations with three potential Buyers, but we do not know if it will take weeks or months. We are highly confident that a sale or trade will occur in 2024. In the meanwhile, we need operational capital.

We are willing to discuss collateralization if desired. Please see the attachments from our book company. We hit #1 very briefly on Amazon and will be publishing our next novel shortly.

Please check with your sources as we believe this will be a significant win-win for us all.

Best regards,


Lawrence Durbin, Author & Managing Member
Mumpa Books, LLC
St. Augustine & St. Petersburg, Florida
Best-selling Amazon author with excellent critical reviews plus Literary Agent interest. We are seeking short term financing. 

MUMPA Lawrence Durbin discovered two nuggets during Covid lockdown: 1)  He can write with the best.  2) Others noticed and rewarded him. So much so that a major former Literary Agent, formerly with the New York Times, has taken MUMPA under wing with the specific objective a 6-7 figure Contract with one of the major publishers.

MUMPA is a prolific writer, able to deliver two masterpieces per year. Multiplying MUMPA by 6 other proven authors whom he plans to bring into his company can result in a net income gorilla. MUMPA's initial novel hit #1 in four categories on Amazon, albeit short-lived as he had no natural following. That all changes upon securing a major publisher  and the requisite financing.

Here's what best selling author, Brian Tracy,  author of over 80 widely sold books stretching over five decades had to say about MUMPA's very first novel: 

"Some books cannot be easily put down until read cover to cover, like MUMPA's spiritual thriller exploring human immortality. A truly captivating adventure."



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