Montana Critical Metals Inc.

Raising $50k as a loan or equity to assist listing on investment portal...

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Coal fly ash is created when coal is burned by power plants to generate electricity. There are over 700 coal fly ash (CFA) sites in 43 US states, and CFA is considered hazardous waste by many local and state governments and the Federal Government (and many foreign governments). Montana Critical Metals Inc ("MCM", in affiliation with Heiser Partners Inc.), has a technology that we believe extracts critical metals (CMs) and rare earth elements (REEs) from coal fly ash. MCM's predecessor firm (Neodymia LLC) completed a $150k Department of Energy contract that determined the feasibility and value of CM and REE extraction from Western states' coal fly ash, and then completed an analysis contract with a multinational coal-fired power plant operator. The technology has the potential to turn any -$200M coal ash site cleanup liability into a +$1B mining asset at each site. Thus, this technology has a $700B a year potential in time. 

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