We started in 2902. We aservice every mobile hom dealer in the area. We are a one stop shop for every mobile home purchase, from l delivery of home to move in day. We offer every type of set up to accommodate our customers needs. We have been delivering dreams since 2002 and are quite proud of the reputation we have achieved. We are the only manufactured housing installer in our area that is licensed and insured that holds a current HUD certification. We believe that our customers deserve red carpet treatment from the day they decide to purchase a manufactured home. Just because they decided to purchase a manufactured home DOES NOT mean their dream is of less value than the next person. This should be the greatest experience of their life. We currently manage 2 manufactured home communities as well. We are looking for funding to purchase a community to continue to be able to bring safe, clean, affordable housing that truly is a community to our area. We currently have 58 lots with 2 expansion lots available bringing the total to 60 lots they're is only one rental owned by the park so others are currently owned by the occupant of unit. I look forward to sharing my dream of continuing to offe affordable, safe housing in my area
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