Discovering unknown artists writers, and musicians - making them known to the commercial world.
MISSION STATEMENT: “It is the mission of Mixed Nuts Artists’ Community LLC to offer access, nurture, support, and real-world expression to a select group of unknown artists, writers, and musicians who demonstrate commercial potential in the competitive marketplace, assisting them to make their creations available to the wider public.”
SPECIFIC PROPOSED ACTIVITIES: —- Discover unknown artists, writers, and musicians online via a "search and discover" APP developed and implemented in-house; Secondly, to discover similar unknowns via real-world contact in targeted communities via public libraries, universities, local galleries, and businesses
—- to offer nurture and training to selected artists, writers, and musicians in a physical location to prepare them for producing commercially acceptable artistic creations
—- To produce and reproduce artistic creations in preparation for commercial distribution
—- To offer an online e-commerce website that will present artistic creations for sale to the worldwide community of artistic appreciators and consumers
—- To offer artistic creations via businesses and other outlets in the “brick-and-mortar” communities
—- T o offer topmost royalties and other bonuses back to the original artists, writers, and musicians who created the products
—- To pay Mixed Nuts Artists’ Community LLC personnel handsomely for jobs well done
—- To take any realized profits and return them for utilization as growth and expansion capital for Mixed Nuts Artists’ Community LLC
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