Our beer (Developed with Niagara College) is also certified Vegan, Organic, Kosher as well as Gluten Free. It is Keto Friendly, and it was launched in Ontario in July 2023. We are listed at LCBO (Liquor Board of Ontario) since late September, and we did our first shipment to the province of Manitoba in November.
Our funding need is based on finalizing the installation of bigger production capability and getting ready to supply initial demand in the USA market. Proper approval for export to USA has been completed in full.
A sister company has been registered as an LLC in Florida to facilitate business opportunities in USA.
We have an updated Company valuation and an investment deck.
Our Beer ANCESTRAL ALE is 4.7%. New recipes to follow are: Light (3.5%), Belgian (6.2%) and IPA (6.5%). All of them are based on Quinoa. Our production facility is also certified Gluten Free.
Contact person: Ricardo Irivarren at 905-802-9092 Website: www.Miskibrewing.com
Raw material supply is guarantee.
Recipe and production process are secret.
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