M.E.T.A FEST Metaverse concerts

Raising $1 Million to build Metaverse concerts funds for Artist, Venue and Technology

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  • Concert series in the Metaverse. The Metaverse is virtual community throughout the world Thru gaming, virtual reality, the internet and social media.
  • M.E.T.A FEST presents a summer of featured Hip Hop / Latin Artist in an unreal engine built world these performances will celebrate the convergence of music, Art, Fashion, Tech and Culture. 
  • This is the proliferation of artists being able to touch the souls of the masses across the world race, creed and gender.
  • The Metaverse is the future of entertainment that will be a hybrid of five shows where the fans can interact like never before.
  • M.E.T.A FEST will be the preeminent Concert Series to set the tone this year and many years to come.



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