Medical Motion

Medical Motion is a medical software development company

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Medical Motion
Medical Motion is a medical software development company, founnded by Xiaoke.
MOVXAM system is a software that analyzes human fine and gross movement, provides digital data of movement amplitude, duration frequencies and slope. Currently, there are more than 30 designed movement modules available. Motor intelligent quotient (MIQ) assessment is a newly analyzing method. It can be used forimpairment of movement analysis, such asParkinson’s and Dementia patients.
The unique software uses sensor-less, single camera recording compatible with any Apple, Android, or digital camera device,. The platform uses 2-D graphic waveform of movement and digital data. Video recording files can be sent remotely, via Zoom, WhatsApp, and other messaging apps, enhancing the potential for tele-Medicine. The product is fully US patented.  

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