Mandalay Movie Machine

Raising money to fund a movie

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"Get The 5150" is a move project designed to be competive with current day movies that are popular on Cable and Streaming.

It is the story of a retired Navy Seal / Black ops operative who works undercover at a local police department Nort of Los Angeles.

He get's his man or woman in very unorthodox ways.  He lives with his wife, a singer and hangs out in a biker bar.

The plot becomes life or death when the town's entrepreneur seeks our protagonist's help in finding and saving the mayors wife, who is kidnapped by a group of lesbian bikers.

We have action such as shooting, explosions, fights, assassins,  and chase scenes.
We have comedy relief and scenes with compassion. 

The main attraction to this project is the man at the helm, who wrote, will Direct and produce this very commercial motion picture.

His name is William A. Levey and he is a Major Studio Director with a great track record.
See his web site at Mandalay Movie Machine. Com.

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