I'm looking to raise $30,000 to start a financial consulting company . Many people today have know idea of finances. They just work and hope that there is enough money at the end of the month to pay there bills . They never think about retirement and how to get money for that . What my plan is that I will do some very basic budget and showing them how they can save money for retirement .
what I will have them do is get a basic budget of what they are spending money on now . Show them how they can save up to $100-$200 a month . Show them what compounding interest is . Explain to then what pensions are if they are good or bad . How debt can be the big killer of budgets.
My background is I have been in the mortgage industry for many years . I have run a very small hedge fund . I have run a real-estate portfolio.
I also run a small fair business at the big E in West Springfield , Ma Presently I work for a retirement specialist .
How I plan on doing this is by creating a website , Getting a 25000 email list all across the country about 6-7 time's a year sending out email with my website on it . Having them sign up for a 5 week zoom meeting . They will basically get a basic understanding of finances and retirement . I will talk to them on the zoom meeting only 100 people .
Each person will pay $100 for the 5 weeks of meetings . If they want to have a one on one session that will be an extra cost . I am projecting to have an income of $10000 -15000per month . From the 25000 emails a month . I figure I will have at least 100 people sign up. Which is .004 `percentage of sign ups . If I get 1% of the emails to sign up that would be 250 people Then I would run 2 classes a week for 5 weeks.
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