My fiance has a shipping business that I am part of. We have close to $2 million in a digital bank, but can't access it until he is back in the states. He is in the UK trying to unload shipping crates, but can't because he needs $25,000 in bitcoin to pay the port authority. Previous trips he paid in cash, which he took, but now the UK requires payment in Bitcoin or such. Then all the ship's cash was stolen by pirates who attacked the ship 4 weeks ago. I have used up all my cash to purchase bitcoin for the other fees (totally $50,000) as he entered the UK. Now we need another $15,000 to get him home, and $10,000 to pay back family loans. We can pay the loan back in 10 days after he gets here. My credit score took a hit from too many inquiries after having to replace my car after an accident Nov. 1 that totaled the previous car, so I haven't been able to get a traditional loan. I'd appreciate your help. We can pay you back double. Thanks very much! Lora Bokschoten
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