Lux Rae Media runs a profitable professional photography studio and event space, as well as a profitable branding, content creation, and marketing management agency--that has had consistent year over year growth for the past 3 years. Currently grossing between 10-15k per month. Lux Rae House is a 1 million dollar valued luxury Aframe under construction in the Columbia Gorge tourist zone 90 minutes from PDX airport. Lux Rae House will be used for high end branding content, events, and short term vacation rentals. Lux Rae House is being built by my husband's construction company,
There is currently a 560k construction loan on the project with approx 460k of equity that will be deeded to Lux Rae Media on completion--anticipated summer 2023.
Funds will be used to purchase high end finishes, modern furnishings, and amenities to match with the Scandinavian Modern design aesthetic of the home. Photos, appraisal, accounting docs, and all due diligence can be provided on request.
Funding can be used to purchase a percentage of the total business or as an 18 month loan.
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