Living Stone Technologies

Preparing to heal the future by remembering the lessons of our past. By using a common mineral and an ancient process we can minimalize the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture.

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Chemical fertilizers are destroying the soil, polluting the air and contaminating our waterways. Living Stone Technologies has developed a mineral application that will replace chemical fertilizers and turn dirt back into soil. We are seeking 500k in start-up capital for a POC, and will provide an 10% equity stake in our company for this funding. The best part?  Our materials and process(es) not only offset carbon emissions—it sequesters carbon from the air, and this translates into carbon credits. Farmers will need a carbon program in place by 2030, and our company Living Stone Technologies will help them complete that requirement.
Living Stone Technologies has 8 product designs and 5 process applications to bring to market. LST will use 300k to purchase the initial materials (commodity pricing) and additional monies for PR, and business development.
This is an exciting time to be alive….and we are looking forward to any interest the financial/investment sector has in our start-up, and look forward to answering questions. This is going to change the future of farming.

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