Leashspace is a real estate listing service that focuses on pet owners and pet business owners. We provide commercial, residential , and business listings for lease and for sale. We also have a directory for any animal or pet business, which is an excellent resource for people. We have set up an affiliation and subscription model. Our revenue comes from affiliate relationships, directory and listing subscriptions, as well as advertising. LeashSpace is creating a community for all pet owners and animal business owners to find easy fast direct access to all professionals and properties in the Animal Care industry. . We have taken a niche, a 69% of Americans niche, and made it our passion and life.. Creating a community where all pet owners, pet business owners , landlords and agents can have easy access to properties that are pet friendly is unheard of and very necessary. We are looking for $50,000 to get our advertising ,directory, and affiliate marketing packages implemented into the site. With a very small budget we will start in Orange and Los Angeles Counties and then as investment or revenue comes In we will spread across the country accordingly. As soon as we have analyzed our data to see what is and what isn’t working we will
Pivot to meet the goals. Our site is ready to launch with the commercial residential and business portion . In order for the dream and vision of LeashSpace to come alive and be the amazing platform I know it can be I need these last three components. Around year 6 or 7 we plan to go public and spread internationally. This niche is 68% of the population. Everyone loves their pet and all animal business owners and agents need this service to find property faster, smoother , thus saving time, our most precious resource. We built this site to provide a service and platform for the people we are most passionate about . As a commercial real estate agent for 6 years I worked with several of these pet and business owners and it was extremely difficult to find what they needed fast. We need a site like LeashSpace. With your backing we will be a faster success. We aren’t horsing around, we can take this far and we need your investment to make that happen at a faster pace.
Thank you.
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