To Make the Future Visible, Habitable, Sustainable, but above all Exciting!

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The LARS ADU-1 (“CYBUNKER”) is an autonomous modular architecture that can be deployed as a hi-tech depot, a secondary living unit, or an off-grid residence. Thanks to its rigid steel monocoque structure and aerodynamic shape, the Cybunker is able to withstand the toughest environmental conditions, while its state-of-the-art circular infrastructure creates a microgrid capable of ensuring self-sustenance in the most isolated sites, or as an auxiliary system for on-grid dwellings.

Objective: Schedule CYBUNKER Model Home Tours on Lake Travis, Austin - Currently we have many people ready to buy now!

We here at LARS Corp have an amazing team Starting with our CEO Javier Bidot- Betancourt he holds a Masters in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University, & Lead Architect & Designer,  Daniel Bidot-Betancourt holds a Masters in Urban Planning from the University of Amsterdam and is our Business Development Director, Eric Garced holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and is our Design + Construction Director. Ryan Quinty studied Business Management at the University of Phoenix, Co-Founder of LARS Corp, and Cheif Sales Director. 

Seeking 2 million seed investment of LARS Corp ADU - 1 "CYBUNKER" Autonomous Dwelling Unit 1. The investment will be converted into convertible notes. (Safe Notes) and will be converted into stock at the launch of our new prototype and our conversion website. Design Patent Issued. TESLA CYBERTRUCK deposits exceed 1.7 mil customers with a current market cap of 85 billion. 1.7 mil x .05 % (.0005) = 850 Sales x Avg. 320k per unit = $272,000,000. This is a very conservative number not including many other lucrative markets.

Phase 1
Looking for a strategic partner/investor to help fund the "CYBUNKER" Prototype Model Home including 1-2 acres on Lake Travis. Launch our configuration website, PR Grand opening press event. Start the sales and delivery process.  He/She can have as much hands-on through the manufacturing/sales process as you would prefer. Ideally, they will have logistics experience or something strategic to bring to the team's success.  (We intend on having 40+ home sales before moving into Phase 2. Total revenue of over $20,000,000.)

Phase 2 "Grand Plan" 
Produce a "CYBUNKER" model home. Invest into a plot of land in Austin, TX, on Lake Travis or Lake Austin. (Approx.  20 acres)  Including 8 of our A-Frame units and 5 CYBUNKERS to Airbnb, a Stage for monthly entertainment events, food trucks, etc. A  CYBERTRUCK Club area for camping, and creating a CYBERCLUB CYBERTRUCK Community, just outside the TESLA CYBERTRUCK FACTORY in Austin, TX.  1-2 acres dedicated to growing grapes for the vineyard and 2-3 acres dedicated to agriculture.  Creating a CYBER Campus TECH Farm of Entertainment + EXPO - SUSTAINABLE HOSPITALITY - OFFICE SPACES + INCUBATOR

With your initial investment, this concept will become a billion-dollar reality! 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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LARS Corp ADU - 1 “CYBUNKER” AKA "CYBERHOUSE" is no longer seeking funding.