LaKlara Inc.

Raising $1 million to expand our business in the US and Korea

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Subject: Investment Opportunity: $1 Million Funding for One-stop Logistics & Fulfillment Company Expansion

I am excited to present an investment opportunity for Laklara Inc, a thriving company in the supply-chain sector providing a full range of global e-commerce services encompassing logistics, customs, fulfillment, distribution, and removal service. We seek strategic partnerships with visionary investors who recognize the potential of our growth plans and the substantial value we can bring to the e-commerce industry.
Executive Summary:
Established in Tukwila, WA in 2017, Laklara Inc. has established itself as a trusted player in the e-commerce sector, providing comprehensive and seamless one-stop solutions to clients in Asia, mainly South Korea and China. Our success is a result of our dedication to operational excellence, customer-centric approach, and commitment to problem-solving.
Our holistic integration of customs, logistics, fulfillment, distribution, and removal services truly sets us apart, all orchestrated under a single umbrella. Whether our clients' requirements involve optimizing transportation networks, amplifying warehousing efficiencies, or streamlining removal processes, our seasoned professionals stand ready to address every facet of their needs. Our unwavering focus ensures a fluid journey that optimizes performance and minimizes operational overheads.
Investment Opportunity:
We are seeking an investment of $1 Million in equity funding to support our expansion plans, which include:
  1. Warehouse Expansion in New Jersey: Our current facility operates at maximum capacity, and demand for our services continues to rise. The investment will enable us to rent a more spacious warehouse in New Jersey. This expansion will increase our storage capacity, enhance our operational efficiency, and allow us to cater to more clients.
  2. Establishment of a Branch in Seoul, Korea: As our Korean business volume has risen over the years, our Korean clients' need for faster and better support has also grown. The investment will establish our customer service center in Seoul, enabling us to offer our top-tier fulfillment services to regional businesses. Helping our clients faster and closer by bridging the distance between Korea and the US will, in turn, help expand our client base in Korea and other parts of Asia.
  3. Initiating New Marketing Strategies: We plan to stay ahead of the competition by launching new marketing efforts to magnify our market presence, capture new segments, and amplify our engagement with existing clients. Our new marketing strategy includes digital campaigns, targeted outreach, and collaborations with Korean government entities.
  4. Launching an Online Shopping Mall: Many of our Asian clients explore additional ways of reaching their end customers in the US, diversifying away from Amazon. We plan to launch a website that could fulfill our clients' e-commerce platform diversification needs and satisfy the end customers with faster delivery at more competitive prices.
  5. Automation of Fulfillment By Merchant (FBM) Operations: Automation is the future of fulfillment, and we are committed to staying at the forefront of this technology. The investment will be used to implement automation solutions that streamline our FBM operations, improving accuracy, speed, and overall efficiency.
  6. Debt Service Burden Reduction: Our growth has partly been supported by timely financial assistance through loans. Now is an appropriate time to optimize our balance sheet for our subsequent expansion stage. A portion of the investment will be used to strategically reduce our debt service burden. This will improve our financial stability, help us better focus on our core business, and maximize long-term sustainable profit for shareholders.
Why Invest in LaKlara Inc.?
  1. Proven Track Record: We have a proven track record of consistent growth and exceptional customer satisfaction, positioning us as a reliable partner in the fulfillment industry.
  2. Experienced Leadership: Our management team brings seven years of experience in fulfillment, operations, and strategic planning, ensuring the effective execution of expansion plans.
  3. Dedicated Professionals: Our team of 20 professionals is proficient in English, Korean, and Spanish. This multilingual workforce empowers us to effectively transcend language barriers and cater to a diverse clientele, ensuring impeccable customer service and a seamless partnership experience.
  4. Market Demand: The fulfillment industry continues to expand due to the growth of e-commerce and globalization. Our expansion plans will provide continuously improved services to our existing and new clients.
  5. Innovation: Embracing automation will give us a competitive edge, allowing us to offer more efficient services and attract higher-profile clients.
Investor Benefits:
  1. Equity Ownership: Your investment will secure a substantial equity stake in LaKlara Inc., providing potential for long-term financial gains.
  2. Strategic Involvement: We value the insights and expertise of our investors. Your involvement will be welcomed in strategic decision-making processes.
  3. Diversification: This investment diversifies your portfolio into a new sector with steady growth prospects.
Next Steps:
We are excited to explore the potential of a partnership with you. Our team is available for a detailed presentation, during which we can address any questions you may have and provide further information on our expansion plans, financial projections, and growth strategies.
Thank you for considering this investment opportunity with LaKlara Inc. 


Marie Jaeeun Song
Chief Executive Officer

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