Lakewest GS Mining

Need funding for working Capital and Equipment loan for startup gold Mine, proven high value gold virgin ground in Yukon, British Columbia Canada

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Looking to secure a loan for the equipment and working Capital for my start up gold mining business. With 360 acres (17 claims) of virgin ground along the creek valleys with drilling, testing, past proven mining and 43-101 geological reports showing extremely rich gold values, 0.02 oz to 0.04 oz per cubic yard throughout the property with potential of 55,000 ounces plus. Located in the Dawson city mining district, Yukon British Columbia, Canada. Everything is ready to begin mining gold April/May of the 2025 season. The mining permits, water permits secured and bonds in place for 10 years (2024-2034). I need to secure loans for working capital and Equipment funding to start mining gold. Looking for bank, private investor or credit union to offer reasonable market interest rates and 2-3 months deferred payment grace period to cash flowing before payments start. The wash plant must be ordered by November 1, 2024 to allow the manufacture 5 months to build and assemble wash plant for delivery and setup at the mine in April 2025, and acquire other tools and equipment prior to start up date. A highly lucrative business opportunity at the current market gold price 49% ROI plus. If interested, contact me for executive summary and business plan at [email protected] or cell 1-612-723-9436

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