Invest in a National/Global Broadcast Company creating original content in English and Spanish

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We create original content for broadcast, cable and streaming platforms. We are in our 8th season. and own our own sets.   KSA is looking for investors to move us into the next generation of media which will include a stronger presence in streaming, podcasts, increasing social media presence , coordinating qualitative initiatives and additional original content.   Currently we have three (3) national shows in production.  Our model is to embeding segments of new creative programming into our mothership show (I call the OPRAH model) and then developing into a 30 minute or 1 hour program.  Our shows currently are Daily Flash -dailyflashshow.com, El Flash latino - elflashlatino.com and Life, Love, Shopping - lifeloveshopping.com.  We have already started embedding Flash Travel to develop into it's own program.  LLS and Flash Travel will also be done in Spanish.

The growth of the business is in streaming platforms and creation of our own Fast Channel, developing relationships to get the channel on as many Prime 1 platforms as possible.  We are also working on upgrading the sets to be used in multiple shows but not evident in filming and buying robotic cameras to lower overhead costs.

Our company is owned by a Veteran.

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