JetStream Turbines

Looking for Investors to Operate in MRO Aviation Operations and Management with Ownership

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Aviation consultant company that will manage assets providing a bridge between repair shops and owners to allow for the assets to make money for owner. These assets to begin with will be aircraft landing gear and are being leased every day within the aviation community.   Deals have been secured for said landing gear.  Also have opportunities to purchase and sell aircraft and other aspects within the aviation industry.

Commercial aviation is in the mind frame of leasing engines and landing gear components vs spending the overhead of new assets.  Having these on hand to lease out for these companies will not only provide a vital service component for this industry but will allow for our company to grow exponentially to serve more customers.

Providing parts to this industry is another key component for keeping these assets in the air and in operation.  High dollar amount losses occur with the inability to provide services in aviation.  We plan to have parts to be able to support these operators.  Everything from engines complete to engine parts, landing gears complete to landing gear parts and others that come along worth taking the leap for investment.

These investment opportunities can vary in many ways.
Landing gear opportunities: 
1.2million for 2 - 777 landing gears that will be overhauled so ready for exchanging, leasing (able to sell at value of 1.4m in current condition)
2.1million for 1 - 777 landing gear overhauled and ready to be put into operation for exchanging, leasing (able to sell at value of 2.4m)
2.6million for 1- 777 landing gear overhauled and ready to be put into operation for exchanging, leasing (able to sell at value of 2.8m)
Possible buy - 1- 777 landing gear for 750,000 overhauled
Possible buy - 1- 777 landing gear as removed for 250,000
Opportunity buy - Landing Gear for 767 As removed to sell parts to landing gear shops

Parts Opportunities:
CF6-50 engine parts in condition managed shop in Florida - Valued at around 10million
- Opportunity to cosign with owner to sell and split profits
Engine Blades currently at Shops to overhaul
 - Opportunity to cosign with owner to overhaul, sell and split profits

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