Teach people how to trade in Robinhood/Coinbase-seeking $25K
Here's the deal:
I am a Christian. Question for you: Have you ever noticed how an INTERVIEW done by ANYONE with Mr. Elon Musk is consistently different than all other interviews because money is never discussed because they know he can't be bought, so the result is always a very interesting interview because BETTER QUESTIONS ARE ALWAYS ASKED AND ANSWERED?
This is why I would love your partnership with something I will be starting in Elgin, TX (24 miles East of Austin on 290) called 'What's your 20?' -Theology meets Technology and we all earn as we learn together.
I have been studying very successful Hedgefund Manager's strategies since 2020. I know why they make the decisions they do and how they use certain principles over and over that ensure their constant success such as:
1) Only use 4% of the total money you have allocated (Don't bet the farm.)
2) Invest in what's going on in the market right now
3) Trade often and small (being diversified in the best tickers in their sectors)
4) Scalability (reinvesting dividends to buy more of what we have with Capital available to invest in new things as they emerge
My plan, with your assistance - I will pay you back with phenomenal PR/Mktg - is to buy several of the Hedgefund Geniuses computerized algorithms each specified in their particular sectors and teach beginning, intermediate and expert trading while we all earn as we learn to Veterans, kids and their parents. I will provide refreshments and a friendly space for dialogue and 'think tank' style discussions where ideas alone are heard/discussed and manifested after we go get the money in our trades together.
I will teach:
Royalties vs Stocks
Options Trading
Convergence Coins programmed to pay out monthly and also Capital Gains because a whole new sector is coming with more of these coins. Etherium does this now and the coins coming will be in Etherium's platform too...whole new sector coming
Think about the movie Men in Black and the Galaxy is on Orion's Belt...the Genius scientists have created a new energy source. They made a star as hot as the sun and put it in a cylinder about half the size of a soda can...it's fusion/hydrogen. If the plant has an issue it just shuts down. No nuclear reactor dangerous disaster. It's a clean, safe energy made from an inexhaustible supply of hydrogen and uses magnets/gravity!
I want people to see what they can have access to NOW for very little money and get them in early! Tikka Tiwari says 'You just have to be early and right.'
I want to ask for your grant to buy:
1)Tithe on the total grant
2)Tikka Tiwari's Crypto algorithm $2250-because of the programmable coins paying monthly/Capital Gains and get in now cause the Feds just lowered the interest rate, also the new sector of these new coins coming, and the FCC ruled there can no longer be dumb ambiguous laws on Crypto
3)Wyatt Research $597 - Shadow Funds/Supercharged Payouts
4) Oxford Club's Manward Digest-Marc Lichtenfeld $79 Gold, Oil and Pipelines
5)Nate Tucci w Roger Scott's Swing Trading $2295 Price Compression from Institutional Investors
Nate Tucci w Tom Busby $2500-a calendar with predetermined dates to do Options Trades as low as 25¢ per contract
Nate Tucci w Steven Ground $1250-Automated Options
6)Banyon Hill $49- EnergyX Supercomputer Nuclear Fusion 4 million times more powerful than oil and uses Hydrogen, gravity and magnets.
7) The seed money to invest in these sectors NOW before they reach the adoption and usage stage and we all missed out on the Capital Gains cause we were in too late.
I'll teach the v
Veterans and the adults/kids. This isn't about me...I expect the kids will absorb this very fast as TradeView is MUCH easier than their complex video games. You and I know the only 3 reasons people say no to things is:
1) No interest
2) No time
3) No money
With my short sessions in easy to access locations once a week with food/fun all of those reasons are already eliminated.
Thank you, in advance for your consideration to partner with me to get people to have hope again and see what IS available to them for a lot less than they ever knew. Can you just imagine when the kids/their parents and the Veterans get together like this what the dialogue will be?
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