Claduto Inc

Raising $5.5M to be paid back to investor inside 10 months with a 5 year NRI share of natural gas production on 7 currently producing wells in Houston

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7 natural gas well projects in Houston. Requires funding for rework of all wells. $5.5M needed with 1-year payback and 4 years revenue share on 7 wells we will rework by single fracking, acidizing, and redirecting the wells. 

Total investment $5.5M or will break up each well for separate investment- 
2 wells at $350k each,
4 wells at $250k each,
and 1 well at $3.2M. 10-12x  on each well's current production after the investment. Haliburton is on call and will arrive in 2-4 weeks with a 6-day turnaround on each well except the redirect well which will be a 2-week procedure.

Revenue to start 30 days after each well is reworked. Each well has been producing since the late 90s. Each well is already tied into the Houston power grid and already has buyers of BOC and the natural gas- BUYERS ALREADY IN PLACE.

Financial modeler to audit the well's production each week, and the price of natural gas, to determine whether the wells make more profit at that time by selling the product, or selling back to the grid. We also have a third contingency of profit by erecting 2 pods on each well site that will mine bitcoin depending on if it profits more than the other two options. 3 contingencies to maximize profit over the course of the next 5-year NRI share. 

The lease owner also willing to do the same thing on up to 70 wells in Galveston.  All numbers and production data have been gathered and contracts are in place. We need your partnership to acquire this NRI opportunity, and then expand to lease the owner's other wells. 1 of the Principals of our company is a geological scientist, lives in Houston, and will take on the duty of overseeing everything and being the Operations Manager- boots on the ground. This is a low-risk opportunity with excellent residual income for 5 years and a payback that will take inside 1 year.

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