Isaiah 60 Investments and Consulting

Raising $1M to leverage (10X minimum) into Multi-family real estate

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Asking $900,000 in seed funding to purchase newer built multi-family homes (16+ units). The vision for my business plan is focused on generating positive cashflow and building up equity for refinances, and exits. 

I am wholly focused on purchasing real estate through the MLI select program initiative which offers the opportunity to leverage up to 95 to 5 LTV on commercial assets. This has never been done before in Canadian commercial real estate. 

The high level plan is to purchase high earning properties and hold them, refinancing and expanding the portfolio over the next 5-10 years. Investor(s) will receive asset-backed security on their investment and quarterly (or agreed upon) dividends, culminating in full repayment.  

My aim is to find an investor/investors focused on capital preservation with 5-7.5% returns. If this sounds like a perfect fit for what you are looking to do, contact me today and I'd be honored to share more.  

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