IRIDE5STAR, INC., Coral Springs, Florida - $500,000 for another serial entrepreneurial Start-Up success.

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IRIDE5STAR, INC. Coral Springs, FL 33065
Contact: [email protected]   or   [email protected]   or call 1-754-225-7865 

 Quality Rides-Every Ride
iRide5Star, Inc., is a start-up rideshare & ride-hailing Transportation Network Company (TNC) providing quality rideshare and mobility services.
IRIDE5STAR, INC., Coral Springs, FL- $500,000 raise; $50,000 minimum for another entrepreneurial start-up success.
Key Highlights: 
  • Rideshare Market Size-United States for 2023 reported over $42Bn and growing.
  • Serial entrepreneurial founder with exit to private and publicly held companies including public subsidiary of NYSE parent.
  •  Founder has six years' experience in the rideshare industry. 
  • World-class rideshare platform on AWS.
  • C-level management team.
  • A disruptive rideshare app in a fast-growing market.
  • Fun, easy-to-use app.
  • Seeking a $500,000 raise with $50,000 minimum for another successful start-up company by experienced serial entrepreneurs. 
  • Operational February 2025.
Comments, questions, and pitch deck to:  [email protected] or Telephone: 1-754-225-7865.
Thank you for your interest in iRide5Star.
Robert G. Williams
Founder, CEO

Target Customer:
 The massive and growing public ridership numbering in many millions of customers in United States. | Large corporations, large retirement communities, Professional Associations, and other large groups.
Customers and our dedicated driver partners deserve a company that isn’t just easy to use or convenient, but one that is also safe, fair, and transparent. They deserve a company that doesn’t just want to make a profit but make a real difference to the communities we serve. They deserve iRide5Star. 
 IRide5Star is a new kind of rideshare company with a revolutionary ride-hailing app that works better not only for customers and our driver-partners, but for the communities they live in, too. 
  • A unique optional school fundraising marketing program that allows parents and school staff to donate their earned discount credits for the student's extracurricular activities program. Alternatively, they may use their earned discount credits for their own discounted rides.
  •  With iRide5Star, riders and drivers have a new kind of transportation network company.
  •  An easy-to-use app that provides added supportive code that provides riders with some optional fun-stuff entertainment, optional of course. 
 Meet The Team 

 Robert G. Williams | CEO | A serial entrepreneur, Robert founded and managed several companies sold to public companies including two to public subsidiary of a NYSE parent company. In addition to selling his acute-care community hospital to a local teaching hospital, he successfully sold three other businesses to publicly held companies. In 2013, he developed and was awarded a patent by U.S.P.T.O. for developing a program for safe Internet use.
Robert E. Adams | President/COO | The National Director of Operations for a division of Fresenius Healthcare, Inc., Robert is an entrepreneur and the founder of InMed Diagnostic Services which is made up of 17 medical diagnostic imaging centers across six states. An experienced team builder, he has led numerous successful acquisitions across the country and has a strong record of de novo growth. Robert is a graduate from Harvard University Graduate School Certificate Program, Business Administration and Management. 

Rideshare is an enormous growing market in United States; iRide5Star is ready, willing, and able to make a real difference.
 For example:
Uber’s 2019 revenue was reported to be over $18bn. 
Uber's 2023 revenue was reported to be over $37bn.
Lyft's 2019 revenue was reported to be over $3.6bn
Lyft's 2023 revenue was reported to be over $4.4bn
 Ride hailing services have become a staple in the lives of customers across the country, and all over the world. The two biggest providers in the U.S. market are Uber and Lyft. 
 IRide5Star is well positioned to compete with any competitor.

The iRide5Star Advantage 
There are competitive rideshare companies in the marketplace, but none compared to iRide5Star's revolutionary business model, and experienced high-technology services-directed leadership.
Our biggest advantages over our seasoned competitors include: 
●     Founder and senior management that have successfully managed service-based technology enterprise start-ups through exits, for many years. We know how to supply excellent service programs for our riders, driver-partners, corporate referral customers, the enormous and growing public ridership and the communities, they live in. 
●     Unique optional fundraising marketing program by parents and school staff members benefiting student extracurricular activities.
 ●     A fun easy-to-use app that makes transportation special for riders and driver-partners alike. 
●     Driver fee components that are fair, competitive, and transparent. 
Drive the Future Forward 
 ●     Provide our riders with the highest quality of services and competitive service rates. 
●     Provide our driving partners with an improved rate of take-home income. 
    Unique marketing program where parents and school staff elect to participate in fundraising opportunity for their community school to benefit from passive fundraising contributions to support student special projects and extracurricular activities. 
●     Is founded and lead by experienced senior management who have successfully started-up, managed, and run high-technology services-based enterprises for years.

The iRide5Star team would like to thank you for taking the time to learn about our innovative rideshare company. We are now inviting investors to join us to launch iRide5Star, Inc. 

iRide5Star, Inc., goal is a $500,000 raise with a $50,000 minimum investment.
Thank you for your interest in this opportunity.
Robert G. Williams
Founder and CEO

Contact: [email protected]   or   [email protected]   or call 754-225-7865

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