Industrial Nanotech, Inc. - Patent Pending Pandemic Mitigation Technology

Combining AI, Robotics, Nanotechnology to Keep Living and Work and Social Spaces Safer from Pandemics

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Industrial Nanotech Inc's research and development team has invented and filed patent applications on a filtration material and a device that combines AI, Robotics, and nanotechnology to search for and destroy pandemic causing viruses (virions)  in factories, offices, retail stores, restaurants, and residences.

MarketWatch reports that ReportLinker, an award-winning market research solution,  estimates that the cornavirus has created a new market worth $251-$459 Billion per annum - the COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Products and Services market.

We have 18 years of experience in creating and bringing new technologies to market, beginning with the  early years working with Sandia National Laboratory under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement and then developing our own patented nanoscience based technologies... industrial coatings that lower the energy consumption of heat process equipment and prevent corrosion.  We have reduced the carbon footprint of every customer and company that has used our product in over 60 countries over the past 18 years. Our current customer base for our existing product lines includes Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 customers. That sector of our business continues to grow and thrive.

Our nearly two decades of working and performing research with some of the best and brightest minds in our country's national laboratories, our university laboratories, and private laboratories gave us the experience and the contacts to find a way to make something that helped fight Covid-19. 

We did.

We invite you to join us in our mission to capitalize on this massive new market and make a positive impact on the current global pandemic crisis.

We are the People Who Bring the Best of Science to the World’s Great Companies.  

Please register at the link below to see our full presentation and video at:

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