Every day 60 million women wake up and begin to plan their day around a bathroom. The bathroom at the McDonalds on the way to work, the ones at work, the one at the grocery store after work and the one at the clean gas station on the way home just in case.
Comedians make jokes about women who wet their pants, but for the women who deal every day with bladder leakage, the embarrassment of having an accident is no laughing matter. Consider the grandmother who won’t pick up her grandchildren for fear she may leak, the mom who’s afraid to go visit her grown children for fear she might wet the bed, the CFO that has to excuse herself from a board meeting because she got that sudden irresistible urge to go to the bathroom, the single mom who’d like to date again but she’s afraid of leaking during an intimate situation. For women with bladder leakage this is the real world and it results in fear and a low quality of life.
InControl Medical® was founded for one purpose, to cure bladder leakage and eliminate it as a factor in women’s lives.