Ikon Commercial Capital

Up to $350mm is needed to fund the whole project.Looking for investors

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We are currently seeking an investment of $500,000.00 to fulfill the requirements outlined by our lender. 
In exchange for this investment, we are prepared to offer a full return of the principal amount, along with an additional 10% ($35,000.00), upon the first draw of funds. We anticipate this initial draw to occur within three months of the wire transfer. Additionally, investors will be granted a 0.25% ownership stake in Phase I of Diamond Valley.
Furthermore, investors will have the opportunity to integrate their own businesses into the project, whether they operate brick-and-mortar establishments or offer services that could enhance the project’s success.
Should you require any clarification or have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out. Please note that this opportunity is not publicly available and will have a limited window of availability. If you would like to hear more about this project and to see all the info please let me know.
Thank you for your consideration.

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