Tailored clothes and shoes have long since been superseded by the fast fashion culture of our modern world.
A world where instant gratification, regular shopping sprees and bulging closets have become the norm.
But now we are entering a new conscious era, where we acknowledge that our choices matter and we can change the impact of our footprint just by making mindful decisions.
That's why Cobblr is reinventing the shoe store.
An online bespoke shoe store where your order is made on-demand, customised to your exact foot measurements.
We have the technology now, to combine the shopping experience of our grandparent's time, custom-fitted footwear, with today's technology, ordering straight from the app on your phone.
The process is easy. Locate a Cobblr pod near you, sign up to the app and scan your foot measurements.
We scan your foot in 52 places to get the highest resolution 3D image so that your shoe fits perfect, every time.
Select from the App and have your shoe sent directly to you. Sign up to receive regular offers.
Never order the wrong size shoe again.
The Future is Slow fashion.
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