Hire a Writer

We've doubled revenue each year: now we want MORE.

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I have a growing content marketing agency that is focused on an apprenticeship model to raise up the next generation of great communicators. I've already hired a seasoned Head of Ops (from enterprise organizations who previously owned his own consulting firm), a Head of AI (formerly a COO of a tech company), and a Head of Content (previously from SEMRush). I have a staff of 3 full time writers, 2 full time PR specialists, and 6 regular freelancers (writers, developers, designers). 

Our differentiator in the market has been quality and innovation - we not only provide elite content marketing services but think outside the box, helping clients launch broadcasts, comic books, PR campaigns, DM sequences, and even Choose Your Adventure videos that are very different from what other agencies do. A recent broadcast for one client led to a seven-figure deal with a government office in Canada, which they have now closed and are fulfilling. For another client, attributable revenue from our SEO work exceeds $1 million a month. I have plenty of proof of our effectiveness.

We also function in an apprenticeship model that makes us an appealing destination for highly qualified writers and creators (I field qualified applicants each week who apply on our website and want to work with us).

I personally provide content consulting services to BDO, Mazars, Indeed, and a handful of other large organizations, so my personal reputation has been a valuable lead driver. I would like to expand my executive team, as we have several training and product initiatives in the works that require meticulous oversight. 

We have doubled revenue every year of the four years we've been in business (completely bootstrapped by me). Our projections to continue doing so are solid, given we can secure enough working capital to grow our leadership and fulfillment teams to support new business.

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