
Need funds to build internationalist website funded by social social-minded biz

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Helen Fogarassy is a Hungarian-American writer with an e-commerce website on internationalism. The website promotes democracy and global prosperity through capitalistic good practices. Thost stem from an ever-stronger trans-Atlantic alliance emanating into Asia, Africa and beyond.. While the concept of internationalism has gained urgency in recent years, the field is so vast that expertise for promotion is difficult to aggregate..

The singular nature makes the venture particularly complex This is due to the vast amount of information compacted into fragmented fields that are not yet integrated. For example, book promoters don't seem to know the general marketing essentials. Web service providers often provide inaccurate or contradictory info. Lots of service providers promise the moon and deliver only more fee or product charges. Finally, the global reach concept seems to stop at the US borders. Even social media just dribbles between this country and Europe.

The development plan for the site is to monetize with subsidiary ads. Since the site is already functional, the ad design will coordinate with promotion of five published books all dealing with aspects of internationalism.

Two of these books are particularly relevant now since the invasion of Ukraine. The Light of a Destiny Dark is a real-life novel of Hungary during WWII and under Soviet Communism. The other book of "enjoyable" essays is self explanatory by the title, America Votes Obama to Biden Past Trump. Interest in these books seems high.

The expertise for executing the concept comes from decades of experience in the Midwest and New York busuness communities. The global perspective comes from both personal experience and extensive work with the United Nations, both at NY Headquarters and overseas in Somalia. The wealth of wisdom accumulated through such a wide rage of fields amounts to a big chunk of institutional memory that finds favor with website visitors lucky enough to stmble upon it. Funding by an enthusiastic partner will turn the site into a visitor magnet.

Funds are needed for every aspect of this far-reachingand forward looking project, The business itself needs to relocate ASAP.  The business itself needs to hire to hire a wide range of talent in webwork, research, editing and promotion. Collaboration is welcome on a lucrative project that will also satisfy to carry out. After all, an investment here is an investment in your own global reach.

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