HEEL TIP DRIP is the first company in the world to make heel tips a fashion accessory! Our patented tips allow high heel wearers to swap out their tips without tools!

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HEEL TIP DRIP is a pioneering startup on the brink of triggering a major transformation in the high heel industry. We've developed a state-of-the-art, patented heel tip that can be easily integrated, without any disruption in the current high heel manufacturing process. We are providing a revolutionary means for wearers to easily swap worn-out heel tips. Our patented HEEL TIP DRIP TIPS are the exact same size as the standard heel tips that are currently being used throughout the high heel industry. Unlike traditional tips that have a solid metal shaft that require you to use tools to pull them out, HEEL TIP DRIP TIPS are spring loaded with an anti-rotation, locking feature that has a threaded insert. These features allow the high heel wearer to pull and twist their tips to unscrew them and allow for easy replacement when the tips are worn out. This assures a simple, yet effective, heel tip replacement process without the need for tools. 

The easy-to-use changeable heel tips, known as DRIP TIPS, is the innovation high heel wearers have been longing for. Our breakthrough solution addresses a common dissatisfaction concerning safety, convenience and cost related to deteriorated heel tips. HEEL TIP DRIP will banish the issue of damaged or worn out heel tips, save customers’ time and money for repairs by eliminating the requirement for professional shoe repair, increase their safety levels, and allow them to swap plain tips for diamond, gold or platinum tips for a personalized flare– delivering unprecedented fashion versatility.

The concept of "HEEL TIP DRIP" is a transformative solution addressing a prevalent issue in the footwear industry: the rapid degradation of high heel tips leading to the abandonment of otherwise functional shoes and contributing to significant environmental waste. 22 billion pairs of shoes are being thrown into landfills each year. By introducing a user-friendly interchangeable heel tip, DRIP TIPS, this innovation aims to extend the lifespan of high heels, thereby reducing the frequency of disposal and promoting sustainability. And as if this wasn’t enough, HEEL TIP DRIP has created a new way to accessorize your heels, all while tapping into an entirely new revenue stream the high heel industry has never seen! 

There are currently 9 categories of DRIP TIPS, which includes diamond or jeweled embellished tips; gold, platinum and other precious metals, as well as faux crocodile, leather, feather, fuzzy, iridescent and fluorescent tips for high heel wearers to showcase their fashion prowess. We also offer the everyday replacement tips, known as DRIP TIPS BASICS, available in the current industry standard colors of black or tan.

Our team has a very diverse background. I am the Inventor and CEO of HEEL TIP DRIP. Previous to this position, I worked my way up to becoming the Director of Innovation and Business Development for a company called Accel Entertainment. I started at an entry level position there in 2012. They took a chance on me. I had no college education or degrees. I was a waitress on welfare and had a baby with special needs. I needed to change my life to be able to provide for my son, so I pounded the pavement looking for a good job. I wanted to look polished and professional so I dressed up, put on a blazer and a pair of heels. The problem was my heel tips kept wearing out. 

When high heel tips wear out there is a metal piece that sticks out of the heel that makes this loud noise every time you take a step. So I would walk into these interviews like— CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP. I sounded like a horse walking in. It was so embarrassing and it was definitely a safety hazard, too! To change a heel tip is a major annoyance and you need the proper tools to do it if you attempt to swap them out on your own, or you have to take them to a cobbler and spend approximately $20 to have them professionally fixed. I just couldn't believe how many heel tips I was busting through on my mission to change my life and get a good job! I figured it was because I bought cheap shoes and it was just a poor girl problem I had to deal with. 

As the years rolled by, I finally was able to convince a company that was hiring, Accel Entertainment, to give me a chance. It was my opportunity to prove I was so much more than my circumstances. I wasted no time. Within a year I became #1 in the company for sales. I started to make some real money. I went out and bought a pair of expensive high heels (they were on sale but still very expensive for me!) and I went out to a big company meeting. I walked 3 blocks in my Christian Louboutins to get to my meeting and when I walked up I couldn't believe it, the heel tips were destroyed! That was the moment I realized this is not just a poor girl problem! Heel tips need to be innovated, so that's just what I’ll do! 

I started coming up with a lot of ideas on how to improve the heel tip. Now, I just had to draw them out and test them. I started taking apart high heels to figure out if my ideas would work and it seemed like they would so I found a mechanical engineer to work with. It took about a year to finalize drawings and add them to my patent application. I ended up having to wait 5 years to finally be awarded my first patent! As of now, I am so proud to have been awarded 3 utility patents and have 4 more utility and design patents that we have applied for. 

Another key member of the team is Veljko Trkulja. He is a mechanical engineer and the Chief Design Officer at HEEL TIP DRIP. He has been working with me from the inception of my invention. Veljko has an impressive 30 years of engineering and manufacturing experience and is all around a wonderful, hardworking, brilliant designer and engineer. We also have a consultant and fabricator, as well as an advisor we work with on a regular basis. They are all highly qualified experts in their fields and provide endless support to HEEL TIP DRIP. 

I applied for my patents in 2017. After countless negotiations with the USPTO and endless determination for 5 years, I was finally awarded my first utility patent in 2022. From there, I have been awarded 2 more utility patents and have applied for 4 more utility and design patents to protect my invention and ensure the exclusivity of my products. HEEL TIP DRIP and DRIP TIPS were trademarked this last year. We started working on prototyping in 2022 when we received our first patent. We have worked through 3 phases of prototyping and have proof of concept. We are entering our final phases of prototyping to be able to have our patented DRIP TIPS manufactured for beta testing. From there, we will be ready to start our initial manufacturing run of our patented DRIP TIPS and go to market.

We are looking to raise $1M this round to get us through beta testing and our initial run of product to go to market. We are open to discussing terms. I have funded my company on my own up to this point investing $250K of my own money. We are interested in investors who have connections in the fashion industry or a passion for innovation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Please contact me for our pitch deck.

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