Health4Info, LLC

Free Healthcare, for Everyone!

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Free Healthcare, for Everyone!

Health4Info is a mobile app that tracks health outcomes and provides free preventative healthcare to its Users. 

It's the combination of a health tracker (like Apple Health or Fit Bit), an epidemiological study and a responsive focus group.  It rewards Users with free preventative healthcare the more they use it, which creates a positive feedback loop to capture more and more valuable health information and to make the Users healthier and healthier. 

User's (like you and me) utilize Health4Info to document and track their health outcomes and opinions so these valuable data can be exchanged for free preventative healthcare.   

Companies (like CVS, Health Systems, Research Labs, Political Orgs) utilize Health4Info to data mine Users’ demographics, health information and opinions (like an epidemiological study) to help them make better marketing decisions.  Companies can also ask follow-up questions (like a focus group) to specific Users to help qualify or expand their information.  Or, companies can post general surveys to gather information from large groups of Users. 

Either way, the companies pay for this information, which funds preventative healthcare for the Users and provides revenue to Health4Info.  For instance, CVS might pay $10,000 per month to advertise discounts on the mobile app and to data mine preferences from Users in the zip codes of particular CVS locations.  Health4Info retains $3000 and Users that answer questions about CVS receive $7000. 

Landing page-

Phase One- Funding for MVP Months 1-12 ($500K)

$125,000- finish MVP (wire frame clickable prototype paid for and complete)
$10,000- AWS servers for 12 months
$20,000- HIPAA/SOC certification
$100,000- sales for 12 months to obtain Users and Companies (sell ads and surveys to Companies)
$200,000- initial payment to Users for health/demo info and follow-up questions (approx. 200,000 data points from 10,000 Users in Greater Kansas City)
$45,000- budget overage

Revenue 10,000users x $18/mo 

Phase Two- AI and Blockchain Months 13-24 (1 mil)

$225,000- Blockchain for security and transfer of health information
$200,000- Geolocation to automatically schedule clinic and lab appointments based on User location, health information and schedule
$325,000- AI (via established Clinical Pathways) to eliminate primary care bottle-necks and increase patient satisfaction by suggesting and scheduling next steps in a User's health journey
$100,000- sales of ads and surveys to Companies
$150,000- budget overage

Revenue 25,000users x $18/mo

Phase Three- Partnerships and Exit Months 25-36

The Extreme Value Add for Partnerships 

Partnerships with Health Insurance Companies- reduce health insurance premiums by covering preventative healthcare 
Partnerships with Health Systems- steer patients to one particular health system

I'm crazy about healthcare, have a Masters Degree from KU Medical Center and have been leading small innovative healthcare companies for 20 years.

Please contact me to discuss this incredible healthcare changing app, market analysis and Return on Investment projections.  

Cory Boyle, MHSA
913 449 0885

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