*Business Plan available upon request. NDA required prior.*
What I am asking from prospective investors are the following:
1. $700,000.00 USD to cover the Security Deposit of the Loan that covers. Hawaiian Rain Inc. and Nicodrop's Inc. got approved. The loan is for $2.3 Billion Euros via BVB, the German money broker and Bank of Pocztowy SA, Poland. This loan will cover all that Hawaiian Rain needs to begin the project. Note: This loan expires on December 17, 2022. ($2.3 Billion Euros).
In Exchange for the above $700K USD, the investors will get the following:
1. A 7% equity interest in Hawaiian Rain.
2. A seat on the board of Directors, if we go public(IPO).
3. First right of approval if a buyout is implemented. Exit Strategy due to my age of 75 years.
Perks of investing:
1. World's Largest and most Prolific Water Company on the West Coast of the USA.
2. We have 3 types of Waters. Unlimited supply of water. Referenced by Mr. Donald Thomas and Tom Nance. Both are Hydrologists and studying Hawaii's Volcano for all 3 waters.
3. 40 Million households depend on our water needs. Tap water hooked up. All California Central Agriculture and household residents, Arizona and Nevada. wholesale pricing to the following. Example: Southern California Water Authority, Los Angeles, CA. SNWA(Southern Nevada Water Authority).
4. At $50.00 average, per household of 1,000 sf cubic feed. X 40 million households. Source: Google searched. Total: $2 Billion per month, gross at second year's average per household. 1-year breaking even to get started. This does not includes an FDA-approved water package all glass 2,000-year-old water.
5. Possible Buy Out?
6. Pre-IIPO if the Board if the I deside to go public.
and more...
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