Hadanuff Inc.

Raising $500,000. Unique Anger management device that lets you shoot your TV. We have purchased first MOQ and need funds for second MOQ.

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I invented a devise that can instantly interrupt any type of programming, live or recorded on any device with a screen.  Next we created an anger management device calls the Hadanuff 2000 that allows you to shoot your TV  when you see or hear something that angers you. Once you point and pull the trigger on the Hadanuff 2000 the TV set explodes with a shower of glass, electrical sparks, fire  and smoke leaving you with a shattered hole in the screen and smoldering circuit boards and a few errant electrical sparks.  Then you set return to regularly scheduled programming. If you see or hear something that really pisses you off you push the button on the side of the Hadanuff 2000 and when you pull the trigger a nuclear explosion takes place. In the even that you get bored with the two explosions that it comes with we have plug in sticks you can purchase that allows you to add to your arsenal with other explosions.  We are currently in the production stage of the product with the first MOQ of 5,000 units due in December. Our advertising on social media begins in November with five 15 second videos called Grandma’s Got Anger Issues.  The first one pictures an 80 year old white haired grandmother sitting in a rocking chair with a blanket over her legs as she knits  a pair of baby booties for her new great grand daughter while watching the news on her flat screen tv. A politician comes on talking about cutting social security. Suddenly an enraged grandma stands up and pulls her Hadanuff 2000 from under the blanket pointing it at the Tv she shout you bleep bleep politicians aren’t cutting my social security and shoots the TV. She watches intently as the set explodes then she sits back down and starts her knitting with a smile on her face. A bubbles grandma appears on the screen and says. Do you get angry at things you see or hear on television, do like grandma does and get your relief with the Hadanuff 2000 on sale on line, get yours today.  The announcer comes on and tells you how to order yours today.  We also have a cartoon ad about GODS ANGER ISSUES.  This is the first phase. The second phase is to create a video game with a magic wand and a wizards hat. The hat is designed to read eeg brainwaves and store the activity in a computer. We will design software to read the activity and design a course of education and skill sets for the child’s educator and also a program for the parents to allow them to understand their child’s likes and dislikes so they can better raise their child in a positive environment. The game is designed to elicit responses from the child by using the wand to interrupt the game when a child likes or dislikes things they see or hear. The wand will create negative disruptions to the game or positive ones depending on how the child feels with the flip of a switch built into the wand.  We are putting a board together of MD’d, physiologist, psychiatrists, educators and parents involved in the Child Autism world to help design an educational program that can follow the child thru their educational life.  We are also looking at a video game based on the same principles but from a language perspective.  Most Lowe spectrum autistic children do not verbalize. Our program in a way is designed following the sign language used by deaf people except we will use phrases. The child thru the video will be able to elicit phrases both positive and negative by interacting with the video to express themselves. A child will be able to say “I love you”  to a parent by shooting the screen with hearts or a negative response “I don’t like this” could be elicited by the wand shooting strikes of lightning bolts to the screen.  We are currently focused on the sales of the Hadanuff 2000 but we are working to put together the board and laying out the ground work for the first video game. We have laid out a rough diagram as to the parameters of the project. The Hadanuff 2000 will sell for $129.95 which includes the gun and the set top box. The gun is detailed with the name on the barrel. It is detailed in red and whit stripes down the barrel with a blue handgrip with thirteen white stars and the tip of the barrel has a red ring around it to denote it is a toy gun. The barrel is sealed with a glass eye that the beam shoots thru. This signals the box to interrupt the tv and play the four second videos that contain the explosions. This will work on all modern TV sets.  The money we are lookin for is to be used to place the second MOQ  of 10,000 units. Once we sell thru 10K units we are then able to purchase 25K units. With each increase we lower the cost of goods by $5.00. Our profit is about $$70.00 on the first order, $80.00 on the second order and $5.00 additional per unit as the MOQ increases.  We currently have trademarks on Hadanuff 2000, and Shoot your TV.  We have a patent pending and a meeting with the USPTO to finalize our patent in November.  We are currently a C corporation organized in the state of Florida and there are two shareholders, my wife and I.  The company currently has a debt of about $200,000. That will increase to $350,000 when the balance on the order is filled and when we pay the advertising bills. We have two subcontracted employees, our main engineer and manager and our social media marketing manager. We will start a national TV marketing campaign in January.  Our projected sales for 2024 should be above 100K units with a value of $12,995,000. We are open to a loan or minority sale of stock in our company.

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