First to market in a $2.2T industry, GyftHint is a social e-commerce platform that makes gifting easy for consumers while providing merchants valuable analytics (proprietary tech)

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GyftHint Inc.

Boston, MA, USA

Gifting is a $2.2T industry, yet it remains painful for consumers and costly for merchants. GyftHint takes the guesswork out of gifting.

                                  Company Summary

GyftHint is shaking up the gifting game with our innovative, multisided marketplace! Imagine curating your own personal store filled with products from your favorite retailers and brands. Invite family and friends to shop and make gifting a breeze. Early-stage startup in the $2.2T gifting market, join us in revolutionizing retail industry with our unique approach and technology. Be a part of the disruption to take the guesswork out of gifting! 

                                  Executive Summary


Our management team is experienced in e-commerce, marketing, product mgmt., platforms, technology, and ops. Founder & CEO, Eddy Jette has sales & marketing experience. Co-Founder & CPO/COO Raj Saxena has product dev, ops, tech experience. CCO Bill Kahn has customer success and platform experience. AJ Singh as fractional CTO has tech & prod dev experience. A diverse and broad advisory team supports GH's strategy, partner, and execution plans.

Customer Problem

Our product solves the problem of inefficient and costly gifting for consumers and merchants. Consumers experience stress when buying gifts and often guess wrong, resulting in returns, regifting, and wasted money. Merchants deal with high return rates and low sales conversions, which erode their margins. We solve these problems by creating an intuitive and frictionless e-commerce multi-sided marketplace for gift giving.


GyftHint is a social e-commerce multi-sided marketplace that simplifies gifting for consumers, merchants, and e-commerce platforms. It eliminates the guesswork of gift buying, making recipients happier, buyers more confident, and increasing sales and analytics for merchants. Ecommerce platforms benefit from higher revenues and added services. We solve the problem of inefficient gifting by making it easy and cost effective.

Target Market

The market for our customer segments includes individuals and businesses globally. Demographically, gift buyers are likely to be of all ages and genders. Psychographically, they are likely to value convenience and simplicity in their gifting process. Geographically, merchants sell their products/services both online and in physical stores.

Business Model

Build & retain company value by focusing on a seamless user experience, providing personalized gifting suggestions, loyalty programs, continuously adding new and improved product features. We will also expand our merchant base & explore new revenue streams eg additional services/analytics. This will help us increase our revenue, retain our customers, and build company value. Revenue streams from affiliate commission, SaaS/DaaS, & advertising.


Our targeted customers are e-commerce platforms, their 4M+ merchant partners and their over 270M loyal e-commerce customers. We acquire new customers when they use the "add to GyftHint" button, which onboards the user and adds their gift idea to our platform, leveraging habitual shopping behavior and providing a frictionless buying experience.

Sales/Marketing Strategy

Customer acquisition through partnerships with e-commerce platforms/merchants (BigCommerce, Shopify, Salesforce) & large retailers (Walmart, Estee Lauder) through the "add to GyftHint" button to the merchant's product page/checkout. We drive brand awareness through social media/influencer marketing thus retaining customers with a seamless user experience, personalized gifting recommendations, and loyalty programs.


No direct competitors. Giftster & MyRegistry offer similar wishlist aggregation solutions, but GH is unique as it focuses on gift buyers/recipients & merchants with a comprehensive solution on a single platform, social features that enhance gifting experience & increase customer retention. Amazon is an indirect competitor; it offers gifting options, but its primary focus is e-commerce sales, and it doesn't have the same focus and features as GH.

Competitive Advantage

Our key competitive advantage is being first to market with a unique multi-sided social e-commerce marketplace that makes gifting easy and efficient for both consumers and merchants, with a more comprehensive solution for gifting needs and social features that enhance the gifting experience and increase customer retention. Additionally, we have proprietary technology that provides merchants with valuable analytics to improve their business.

GyftHint Annual Financials

                                                         2024                                                2025                                                2026   
Purchased Hints         1,600,000                                  10,460,800                                 30,005,000
Revenue$                       6,600,000                                  46,500,000                              171,800,000
Expenditure$               6,800,000                                  42,700,000                              152,150,000
Profit (Loss)$                 (200,000)                                     3,800,000                                 19,650,000

* Early consumer side MVP to prove PMF - Rev <20K in '21, <20K '22* Financial Years above need to be converted to Y1...Y3 from 2024...2026 as our revenue clock starts after product deployment.

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