
Raising $1M for customer and establishment acquisition efforts for Project.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn is an international eCommerce platform that facilitates gift-giving across borders by providing immigrants in the US the ability to buy gifts for their loved ones in Latin America. Gifts sent through our App can be picked up with a QR code at local establishments in users' home countries.  
Our company, Sentinatech Corp, has been in business since 2016, specializing in the wholesale consumer electronics market. We are a Women Owned Small Business certified to apply for government contracts on and are raising capital to take our eCommerce venture to the next level.  We have contracted establishment acquisition teams on the ground in several Latin American countries and are in the process of integrating pre-paid (and top-up) minutes and other digital assets in more than 90 countries worldwide to our product offering.  Visit us online at or follow us on instagram @guifterlatam for more information on our innovative App.

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