Green Haven Farms

Green Haven - Organic Sustainability

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I would like to start a specialty-crop farm in central Iowa. Growing high-end fruits and vegetables to insure capital gain. I would also like to focus on preserving the natural environment and would like to look into using the farm to base several businesses, such as a winery, an AgTech research facility, a greenhouse business, and much more. With this, I plan on creating jobs in the community, and promoting the growth and development of small farms in Iowa, and throughout the world.

I grew up out in the country, where I got my first job in agriculture when I was 11. I worked on an organic farm until I was 16. When I turned 18, I worked for a while with a larger agricultural company.  From there, I went to school for computer science and philosophy. I currently work as a freelance programmer.

Included will be a more detailed business plan and proposal, which includes plans for the first year of operation, as well as goals for a five and ten years.

If I could secure $500,000, I have found a piece of property that fits every one of my criteria and could purchase that property and operate the farm for the first year. If I can operate the first year, as detailed in my business plan, I will have made about three-fourths of the $500,000 in sales. After the fields, vines, and orchards mature, they will only produce more and more crops, while projecting yearly incomes up to even millions of dollars, which can be increased by having processing facilities on the farm, and selling wholesale crops of the absolute highest quality, while turning anything else harvested into artisan goods and seeds.

The potential here is unfathomable. I have done my research, and there are just no farms like this in my area. There are small farms, and there are specialty-crop farms, but there are not many, and none to this scale, who practice organic sustainable agriculture. They supplement their sales with orchard tours, wine tastings, and things of that sort, which I could do as well, while also boasting the only farm of its kind. Most farms use row-crops instead of specialty-crops, which are projected to shrink next year. This is a wonderful investment opportunity for anyone interested.

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