Got Your Six Battle Inc.

501C3 helping veterans struggling with PTS and severe disabilities, we should be helping them first.

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Names and idea title
Introduction: My name is Jeremey Chapin and I reside in Buckeye, AZ. I am a 100% service connected disabled veteran and I want to help my fellow veterans who are struggling with PTSS or severe pain.
Your unique solution
The objective is to help those who have put it all on the line by giving them a life line. Helping them is what should be our number one priority. Our goal is to provide a place veterans an outlet to use to release their pain (mentally or physically) with other veterans who have been there and can relate. Any donations would be to a charity and can be deducted from taxes.
What your competitors are doing
There are no other organizations in our area that do what we are wanting to do. We are modeling our mission and plan off another non-profit on the east coast that helped me when I first injured during my military career. 
Funding Ask: $1 Million. We will need to gather equipment and establish facilities for the veterans to gather. 
Business Model: We will be establishing donors through social media and local businesses as well as applying for government grants. 

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