International Vacation Garden

International Vacation Garden Total projects Ý $102 Million Dollars

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Project site is a  closer from city hall less than 5 minutes, less then 5 minutes from Downtown and 3 major University is less than 10 minutes distance and near has a many Schools, Departments Store and Retail stores also Beautiful views to Sea and ­International Bay Garden, Etc. 
Project site is Total 203,953 ㎡ (61,696 pyeong).
Project Coasts will be $106,751,107.00 
project complete in 3 years
Land Cots are $7,830,646.00, 
AMCO paid Down payment $2,830,646.00 on the purchase of the land and entered into a  sales contract. 
The Balance of the land value is $5,000,000.00
AMCO need loan $5,000,000.00, The collateral is the lands.
If AMCO receives a loan and the business plan is approved, 
The land price is at least $300 million dollars.
After receiving the loan and obtaining the business license,
AMCO can complete the project within 3 years.
If your company interesting South Korea projects,
 please contact to [email protected], I will send máe details for project.

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