The American pubic in large has grown tired of tv comedies that don't have any jokes. I have heard over and over that streaming services shows are not very good and people are watching old time tv comedies from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Krazy Dead will introduce an original and fresh concept. While there have been a couple of tv shows that have a funeral home as a location, none were straight up comedies like Krazy Dead. I wrote Krazy Dead with a singular goal and that is to make people laugh. That's it.
My good friend Lawrence Taylor will be a featured cast member. LT and I have also discussed him contacting various sports and entertainment figures to guest appear on the show.
Krazy Dead has won over 100 film festival awards with many critics saying it will be the next cult classic like Shitt's Creek. Anyone who's read the script says it very funny and they would watch it for sure. Best way to find out if Krazy Dead will make you laugh is to read the script, which I will be happy to email any interested becoming famous Hollywood executive producer.
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