Giant T Productions

Our vision is to bring back the classic style tv sitcom with actual jokes and an interesting story line.

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The American pubic in large has grown tired of tv comedies that don't have any jokes.  I have heard over and over that streaming services shows are not very good and people are watching old time tv comedies from the 70's, 80's and 90's.  Krazy Dead will introduce an original and fresh concept. While there have been a couple of tv shows that have a funeral home as a location, none were straight up comedies like Krazy Dead.   I wrote Krazy Dead with a singular goal and that is to make people laugh.  That's it. 

Also Lawrence Taylor will be the star of the show.  I've talked with LT and he would be willing to talk with his celebrity friends to guest appear on the show.  LT brings a his unique comedy stylings and trust me, the man is hilarious. His dry wit and sometimes sarcastic undertone bring depth and dimension to not only his character but the overall show as well.

Krazy Dead's biggest draw is the range of characters.  From Aunt Zelda the feisty octogenarian who wants to be a biker to Flower and Pot, two stoners who could screw up a cup of coffee.  The target audience of the sitcom is literally 18 to 80 which very few if any tv shows can provide.

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