Our two partner team is comprised of a seasoned construction project manager (10+ years of diversified experience on projects $50M+) and a savvy Attorney. In 2022, we ventured into the real estate development arena with a focus on building-to-rent shovel ready (or 75%+ shovel ready) duplex-fourplex zoned lots, in an area expecting substantial growth, to construct fourplex apartments (1 per lot) to acquire appreciating assets, monthly/annual cash flow and long term equity. Our desired properties are close to the downtown metros, and have room for substantial growth (current area Air BnB average performance is $125/night @ 65% occupancy). We will build these fourplexes with all desirable amenities and offer both long-term rentals and short-term rentals at a price point very competitive to the area, with a far better location.
A full financial analysis is available for serious investors, detailing expected financial performance from Day 0 all the way through lease up and permanent financing refinance.
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