Garden of Life Marketing

"Digital License Plate" and Ads Sells Platform.

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Digital License Plate Program!

Garden of Life Marketing recently obtained a patent on a Digital License Plate, which we call the digiPlate. Garden of Life Marketing, was recently approved to launch a Digital License Plate Pilot Program in Linden, New Jersey. Subsequently, following the success of the pilot program, our goal will be to implement a statewide digital license plate program. The digital license plate will be capable of transmitting important public notifications i.e., Amber Alert, Silver Alert etc. 

Additionally, will generate revenue from advertising, data licensing, proximity targeting. Will generate significant number of impression making it eventually competitive with Facebook and Google. Please visit to obtain additional information concerning the project. For detailed information about our business model, upon securing a signed NDA, we will  provide a prospective investor with a copy of our Pitch Deck.

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