A social gaming platform that creates value through saving and giving.

 We are a Indie Games Studio, developing a unique social gaming platform that will release up to 2 different strategy games for mobile and PC at launch with the ability to add more and more games in the future. The GAMERS UNITE platform allows players on the platform to exchange in game currency and resources between games. It also allows players to use in game resources to save money on food, travel and other items. They are also able to help non profits and receive rewards in the games they play by giving and volunteering.  I have been researching, preparing and planning since 2020 and I am ready to move forward with funding.

In 2022, mobile games generated about $91.8 billion in revenue, which was 50% of the global gaming market. In 2023, the global mobile gaming market was valued at $118.34 billion. Our main focus is mobile games with all three games being made available on PC once they are launched on mobile. We are using Unity to create the platform and games. This will allow us to connect more games in the future. 

Monetization happens in a few different ways. Each game has it's own monetization through cosmetics, subscriptions and ads. We will also have revenue from businesses participating and advertising on the platform. The $350,000 will go towards the development of the platform and the 2 games that will be available at launch.

We have 2 games:
At Launch- Forest Friends - A fun, streaming game for Youtube. It is a fun 3v3 and solo gameplay that has 5 to 10 minute matches. This game allows streamers and viewers to impact the battle. This game will be great for marketing the platform as well.

At Launch- Tactical Titans - A fun 2v2v2 team game with hints of MOBA and RTS elements. This game will be great for players who enjoy strategy but are not ready for a total RTS experience. 

Each of these games will have the ability to exchange credits/resources between each other allowing players to move between games seamlessly. 

Our games are free to play and free to win with cosmetics and other options to customize your gaming experience. 

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