Fresh Menu Kitchen

E-Commerce kitchen gadgets now expanding into retail and groceries

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Our brands "Fresh Menu Kitchen" and "Undead Chefs" sell cool kitchen gadgets on several online platforms. We have several new wholesale partnerships and are expanding our product catalogue to include food items and apparel..  

We have a succinct business plan and several new deals in progress.  Our individual track records are respectable and we have a unique approach to business and investing.

Our Idea is this:

We take the money we raise and WE DO NOT SPEND IT> Instead, we invest it in Blue-chip dividend-bearing stocks and operate our business with the dividends, never touching the principal. This way, the investors are protected and can still share in the upside of our business growth.  We feel this is a win/win for everyone involved.

We have been selling on Amazon for many years and have had good success through influencer networks.

We have been legally incorporated for 4 years (Both Canada and the US) and have trademarks for our brands.

We are a small team and have a lot of opportunities to pursue,  We need more people! Please consider growing with us.

Some of our websites:

Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to any discussions that may follow.

Peri Scott

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