the only compnay in this industry at this time. FILMAI.TECH filma and AI

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filnms and AI,is a very specific company in the most glamore industry in the world FILMS.

We have the rights to 6000 Hollywood movies and we are like an AI Garage, you put the film in and we do all kinds of "AI stuff" to it and make it a lot morre profitable and bankable, such as dubbing in 60 languages, high 4K resolution and over 100 other tools to enhance the film
We have just exhibited at the world Film festival in Cannes, France and the response was "Crazy".

We also offer production companies and producers to assist them in production with AI tools and promise them a minimum of reduction in costs "Guaranteed" , We offer LLM conpanies ( The Brain of AI) to scan our 6000 films since these are legal a the cost of 1.8 Million a scan plus royalties.

At this time, as crazy as it sounds, we are the first and only one entity in the world to offer all that, in a 143 Billion industry which is going to go theourh a massive change.

Our future projection spreadsheet says that we can be rolling as a 350..000.000 annual business after 5 years ( and initital investment) my financial advisor thinks i am totally nuts.

We are also involved in Blockchain and Crypoto for movies, for example, Tokens of Stars.

if you want to do someting exciting, something different, something with huge potentsial, lots of possible glamour perks, contact me

you can also check:

Smuel: +1 3108958315
Sunder to Friday.

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