Fierce Fighters II, LLC DBA Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping

Looking for funds to obtain a more permanent structure, add equipment to further add to the member experience and to grow my membership from 158 members to 300.

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Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping began in Central Iowa over 20 years ago. The mission of the program is to help individuals Live Life at Level 10 utilizing the 4 pillars of the program: Kickboxing, Strength Training, Nutrition and Coaching. Now, with more than 60 franchise locations across the United States, our certified instructors provide group fitness classes and have helped members learn how to properly fuel their bodies, build muscle, shed body fat and learn to love themselves again.

My own journey at Farrell's Ames began in 2018. I am a wife, a mom and hold a career as a nurse. I was tired, didn't like the way my clothes fit and taking care of critically ill patients really opened my eyes to the importance of taking care of ourselves. If I could help it at all costs, I didn't want to be a 50 year old mom with potentially debilitating health conditions and having my husband or young adult kids be my caretaker. So at the urging of a friend I joined the Spring 2018 10 week challenge at Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping. In my 10 weeks, I shed 3% body fat, 10 pounds, increased my sit-ups by 24, push-ups by 17 and I ran my mile 3:38 faster. But more than that I had gained a confidence I never knew existed within me. I felt good in what I wore, I had energy and I was able to run my first 5K without stopping. This fueled my fire for more and in the fall of 2018, I became a coach followed by an instructor in Fall 2019 and then ultimately decided to purchase the business in July 2021 so that I could use my new found passion for helping others find themselves again. 

Farrell's is known for their 10 week challenges which provide members an opportunity to build the habit of regular workouts, zone in on their nutrition and have extra accountability through coaching. We hold 4 per year and at the end of the 10 weeks, we give away $1,000 to the individual with the best overall transformation. The results are based on the member who lost the most body fat, the most inches, had the greatest increase in situps and pushups. Since owning the franchise, I have given away $1,000 to 11 winners. My instructors and coaching staff have helped those 11 winners lose a total of over 191 inches and more than 74% body fat. Add on the hundreds of others who have walked through our doors and just imagine how much larger those totals actually are.

After members complete a 10 week challenge, they can continue on to what we call FIT (Farrell's Infinite Transformation) members. The continue coming to classes and we provide additional challenges to keep the engaged and working to remain healthy. 

My future plans for the business include obtaining a more permanent structure, adding staff, additional class times and equipment to enhance the member experience and of course add more marketing to grow my members. I currently have 158 active members and my goal is to get to 300. In addition, I would love to be able to offer a program to at risk youth, As someone who was an angry and troubled child, it is my desire to help today's youth come to my business where they can feel safe, loved and learn how to channel their energy appropriately and take care of themselves. 

I am requesting $250,000 to bring my dreams into reality. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and about my business. 


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