Farm House Villa

Looking for an Investor to Finish a short term farm to table rental in Paradise.

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Looking to rent out my house in Long Bay Hills, Turks and Caicos islands. It is already built. 2,300 square foot with 1 inch thick hurricane rated windows. The house is very well built. 4 bedrooms 3  bathrooms and a main area of 900 square foot. I have the start of an organic garden. I do eat off it currently and give fruits and veg to restaurants when I can. Have been living in it for 5 years. 4 blocks away from Long Bay beach. Sits on 1.5 acres, could build up to 3 more villa in the future. Looking for an investor to help me finish my vision of a rental that can have a guest go out to the garden and pick their fresh food. If you have been to TCI then you know this would be a huge selling point. The house is also run on solar power which lowers overhead. I do need to put the pool in and finish the deck around it. Yet that was approved with the house plans. So just had to be built. That is why I am looking for an investor. I actually built the house myself and have all the connections needed on island.  For the right investor. With 1 million buy in I would be willing to talk partnership. We would be able to expand that way. * I had to put Virgin Islands but this is in Turks and Caicos islands.

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