We are a direct booking platform for contractors in your area. Everything from Plumbers, Heating & Air, to Landscaping and Pool Services (10 services total). Don't get a referral, directly book with a service guarantee, upfront pricing and have a vetted contractor in your area to do the work you need done.
We are different than the competition in almost every way;
The business model is simple. We charge a standard rates for various tasks by each contractor. We give the contractors the rates they will get paid. We don't charge the contractor for being on the platform. Recurring services for things such and pest control, pool service, and landscaping will provide steady revenue. We also have options to white glove the platform and repurpose our platform as well.
Target market is younger to middle aged home owners. New home buyers and multi property owners. Younger generations just want to book it and get it done.
I am currently working on an advisement team, but seeking funds to hire a team to prepare for launch. The MVP of the platform is ready.
I am uniquely positioned to understand this solution as I was a contractor in the past and also flipped homes. I also was an early adopter of 3rd party ordering services like Door Dash and Uber when I was a multi unit (9 stores) restaurant owner. My restaurants were a multi million dollar operation with around 120 employees, so I am familiar with running an organization. I was also a data analyst in the tech industry in a past career. In my contracting and home flipping career I was especially good and keeping time lines short and staying within budget. This reflected when I was growing my restaurants and I was able to open 3-4 restaurants per year.
I am ready to rock and go to market, would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have.
I have business plan prepared, pitch deck, and actions plans ready to rock.
Here is a link to my pitch deck:
Thank you for your time!