Eye Wonder Studios Dinosaur Society

Raising to build a Dinosaur exhibit and multipurpose Center

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Eyewonderstudio.com an interactive family discovery and adventure center uniquely situated to attract a growing market.
In Onoway,  Alberta the "Dinosaur Corridor" we are building an exhibit and multipurpose Center.   https://eyewonderstudio.com

The Center will be located in a local arena for 68 days in the summer months for 3 years  while the balance of the year will be online education, membership and retail based. At the center we will host an anticipate 20K in visitation, two  conferences, numerous guest speakers, several musical artists and movie nights on our 60 foot screen.  
Also our Onoway " Dinosaur Corridor" Camp for kids,  a day camp where we  anticipate  registration  of up to 100 kids per day.

 Like our multipurpose use, our motives are also multipurpose. Covid had an impact on our local arena' s bottom line. The arena is a place where kids desperately need to be able to enjoy recreational time, Rental of the space will help them while minimizing our costs.

Also surrounding rural communities like ours, 40 minutes from Edmonton, kids have experienced a 30 percent uptick in mental health problems. With our camps, exhibits and programs kids will be able to socialize, enjoy the outdoors and escape isolation. Where broadband was hard to access, social distancing mandatory and communication with friends seriously limited we recognized that building a business model with these planned components can help rebuild our community's infrastructure and provide a safety net for kids.

Much of the planning and organizational programming to succeed is in place. The capital required is to obtain the AV and exhibits and also to finish our themed design. ROI is anticipated almost immediately.   Thank you for your consideration.

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